Animal Name Game

The Animal Name Game

Preparation needed: none

Resources: none

Age range: early years, primary, secondary, adult

Group size: any

Additional issues: none

Gather the group into a circle. This can be played either standing or sitting, just make sure that each person can see everyone else. The animal name game is played by the first person introducing themself with an animal starting with the same sound, for example ‘Liam lion’ they then need to make a sound and/or action relating to that animal so Liam may hold up his claws and roar. The next person in the circle needs to introduce Liam lion and make their noise/action then introduce themselves for example Rosie Rabbit. As each person takes a turn the list becomes longer but using the animal action helps to ensure that the names are more memorable. If you have a group that consists of younger children you may need to support them and maybe offer some suggestions for children with names that do not have many animals starting with their initial, for example someone called Liam with find it much easier to find an animal name (Lion, Leopard, llama, lemur, lark) than someone called Quentin (who could incidentally choose quail).

If you play this game on subsequent occasions then young children with remember their names and help their friends to remember their own. Younger children will need more support and help than older groups, but peer support may be needed for all ages with people giving clues perhaps by acting out the animal action.

What are we learning from this activity?  : following the rules of a game, turn taking, alliteration, sounds, learning by using sounds and movements, learning by repetition, helping and encouraging others. For younger children it helps to increase their vocabulary and knowledge of animals including the sounds and movements they make.